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While the industrialization of fossil fuels has provided economic energy and improved the quality of life compared to prior use, the continued dependency has resulted in an array of detrimental environmental consequences. These consequences range from water and air pollution to global climate. Research and development studies focus on transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable and sustainable energy sources. 

We believe that hydrogen energy is the most abundant, sustainable, and clean energy carrier in the market at the moment. Therefore, EE provides solutions with hydrogen storage for small and large applications using our proprietary technology. 

The Company

With results verifying the reliability, sustainability, and scalability to serve an array of applications makes hydrogen energy the ideal replacement to the standard. EE focuses on delivering hydrogen energy and storage on an economical and green alternative to the current standard for fixed storage and portable devices. 


EE utilizes a patent-protected hydrogen storage system of lightweight metal alloys to provide superior hydrogen storage and production. We apply this technology to build a highly efficient power supply for generators and many other fixed and portable devices, such as hydrogen refueling stations and portable generators. 

Our Team

Jalaal A. Hayes, PhD
Founder and CEO

Mr. Olandan Davenport, Esq
Legal Counsel

Samuel Jenifer
Co-Founder and CTO


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